NC-17 SOUNDTRAXXX is being edited, revised, and published. The literature content is gradually being removed for publication or being transferred to the upcoming site: MHQ HEADQUARTERS. The music countdowns, however, shall remain here.
In the meantime, and why I haven't posted anything in a long time... I am proud to present, the first actual book publication, a dystopian epic: The Mansion Feel free to check it out; it is self-published and fully independent.
According to the plant and animal life on Earth, which eventually unfriends the human race amidst bold accusations coming from an oddly-shaped row of trees: the concepts of government, religion, and economics were fabricated by the same sources that devised such absurdity as Black Friday sales, fashionable bowling attire, expiration dates for vaginal lube, and marketing strategies to entice specifically targeted mayonnaise consumers … and these sources obviously did not originate on the Planet Earth. From Prohibition to the dystopian future plagued with revolution, animosity towards society, and farming hippos with growth hormones, characters such as Squirrel Abraham and Jimmers Waffles (raccoon) not only challenge the status quo, but also question the entire history that created it.
Compiling 30 Sections and 68 different themes and storylines, which explore topics ranging from concepts of customer service to victimless crimes to a town in West Virginia that repeatedly becomes a ghost town; and featuring guest appearances from the likes of seahorses, dragonflies, praying mantis, chickens, and raccoon, The Mansion chronicles the plight of the human race, where Primitive Man evolved into the species known as Homo Bowler, and set out to destroy the world in a quest for decorative plates, generic shoes, and non-dairy powdered creamer.
This era supposedly never should have happened. Many people felt as if the world was going to end in 2000 and some of these imbeciles have been living in a bomb shelter ever since. Every single year since, the world is supposedly coming to an end. Hopefully, in the 2013, we won't have to hear this shit anymore.
The closest it came to ending was in 2001 when the United States was attacked by either Middle Eastern terrorists who are supposedly jealous of freedom, the television and media, the Rockefeller family, or it's government. Aside from anybody being "jealous of American freedom", all others remain possibilities depending on what people believe. Regardless, it brought wars, anti-American outrage, an inflation in gas prices, strict fascist laws, and a crumbling economy to go along with The Strokes, The White Stripes, the phrase "this band's Kid A"... and downloading, the mp3, and the internet allowing bands such as Clap Your Hands and Say Yeah! to release an album without the use of any record company whatsoever.
SONGS OF 2000 + The Final Act in History:
100 Song List for the year the world supposedly ended... again. Topics include a domestic dispute over a toaster; the inventions of dehumidifiers, haemorrhoid medicine, mail order brides, & vaginal lube; a computer glitch regarding record sales, and ultimately, the end of the world. The Sigur Ros segment would make for a powerful spectacle on the big screen should that ever happen, so hopefully you have the ability to envision that.
SONGS OF 2001 + "The Corner of 5th & Average":
The year an event or two may or may not have happened. Set primarily on a busy corner infested with shops and unethical business practices, studies the pattern and meaning of life as outlined by a mysterious doctrine. Also, a spiritual awakening that defies the doctrine; a look into some of the lives of people on September 9, 2001; some people who died September 10, 2001; one song devoted to September 11; and the aftermath that raises serious questions about the pattern of life contained in the doctrine.
THE BEST SONGS OF 2002 + "Making the Best of Bad Situations":
Entry #2. Features the longest song to secure the #1 slot in a countdown... over 30 minutes long though- depicting the horror of The Beast. Written in the midst of a breakup after a move, primarily inspirational tales about making the best of a bad situation. WARNING: While I pride myself on playlists being completely void of mainstream crap, contains a song by both Coldplay and by Christina Aguilera.
The 200 Songs of 2003 + The Decoy Project
Eleven people cohere to pull off one of the top few best heists in history that also includes an autistic man, the bank manager, the driver, a poodle, and the baddest chick in existence. When the perfect plan slightly malfunctions, simply apply the same scheme with the same strategy. Broken Social Scene, The Strokes, The White Stripes and 197 others provide the soundtrack for this surreal action comedy that is a social commentary, a bank robbery, and a prison break… with a major twist of course.
Shingles + The Best Traxxx of 2004
Creepy must-read masterpiece for fans of The Twilight Zone! The Top 200 songs of 2004 provide the soundtrack about a mysterious growth that seemingly can cure all ailments known to man. But, conflict overwhelms as humankind struggles with the ability to control them. Prize Winner with great music.
2005 + The Mind over Matter Experiment
The top 200 songs of 2005. Chronicles the development of a Christian mom who develops a masturbating addiction leading to series of events that ultimately lead to a catastrophic family disaster. Tonya falls in love with younger schizophrenic boy from her work and that alters her entire belief system; as her love for Tristen strenghtens, the hatred for her family intensifies. Contains extremely disturbing content.
The Best Songs of 2006 + No Love For Anybody
A failed love relationship between a sign language interpreter and a Gomer Gopher mascot from a children’s pizza restaurant leads to turmoil and chaos. The top 200 songs of 2006 provide the soundtrack for an unsettling tale that is ugly, wretched, horrendous, and somehow hilarious. Warning: extremely disturbing content may be unsuitable to sensitive viewers.
Best of 2007 + The Bad Sugar
150 song soundtrack set in the world when the sun has disappeared forever. The final two pure souls that could have blended the sour ingredients of the human race face the corruption of the contaminants of the polluted society that had ultimately failed. Thus, the majority of people either follows norms, or does things intentionally in spite of those same conventions; there are multiple forms of contamination.
Best of 2008 + Pitchfork Brigade
Brandon Kindle made one controversial film and was on the route to stardom. Just as he was on the verge of massive success, he was brought up on severe charges that created media hysteria surrounding the case. The Top 150 songs of 2008 provide the soundtrack that portrays the media’s role in convicting an accused suspect due to disagreement with the film’s content.
Plan DD + The Top 150 Songs of 2009
Plan A seemed like a good idea, but in this economy, a career change can lead to disaster. Plan A failed, so did Plans B through Plans Z; Plan AA-CC did not serve well either. Plan DD deals with the struggles seeking employment in this economy that lead to desperate measures. Outrageously funny, with bsurd yet truthful social commentary, Plan DD lives up to the NC-17 rating…with the best music of 2009 as the soundtrack.
BEST SONGS OF 2010 + "Counting Down Various Mysterious Useless Activities"
The first series written while the songs were still relatively new. Songs compiled in December 2010, and then came this...the descriptors became stories, and the title says it all (many of these years could be titled the exact same thing actually). Eight pages, 8 different stories, including Homeless Hamlet, the moon exploding, a sex addict who never gets laid, one evening at a nightclub, an occupied nation, and books falling from the sky.
NC-17 Soundtraxxx Top 200 Songs of 2011!
Featuring the award winning holiday sensation: "The Best Christmas Ev-errr!"
The 200 songs of 2011 plus a series of 8 Christmas stories. Includes: 1. White People Be Wastin’ Money at Christmas, 2. Mail Order Brides Delivered Right to Your Door, 3. Give the Gift of Real Life Sex Dolls, 4. Retail Employees Holiday Strike, 5. The Best Christmas Ev-errr!, 6. Santa, Rudolph, Frosty, and Them Other Christmas Niggaz, 7. Some Bullshit About $230, and 8. Fire Your Own Voice of Reason.
The Top 150 Songs of 2012 + 2012: The Smurf's Apocalypse
Oh dear Lord, the God damn mother fucking world is supposed to be coming to an end again. Enough of this shit! Although the so-called end of the world had become a cliché, The Apocalypse is the theme for 2012 feature in which the Top 150 songs serve as the official soundtrack. This is no ordinary Apocalypse however, this is an NC-17 rated episode of The Smurfs. Beginning with the precursor that explains The Death of Papa Smurf's Generation, to the dignity salvaging creation of 100 Smurfettes appropriately named with adjectives like their chauvinistic male counterparts, a couple misadventures, then ultimately, the doomed fate of Smurf Village. Must be enjoyed with a warped sense of humor.
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